Here he is partying like a rock star at the exact time he was born one week ago - 1:14 pm
Rigley getting a bath
I'm continually amazed at how well Brighton is adjusting. He'll go up to Rigley and say, "He's just a tiny, little baby" or "Awww, poor baby." It's very cute. However, I did turn my back for a second this evening and Brighton started giggling. I asked him what was funny and he told me, "I touch baby like this." He went to the swing and stuck his finger in Rigley's face. We had to revisit the issue of being gentle with the baby!
Random pic of Brighton eating his watermelon - no story, just thought it was cute!
I'm glad that Brighton is adjusting well to Rigley. I did laugh about Brighton giggling when you turned your back!
Glad that Brighton is adjusting well. He has changed so much already.
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