Monday, August 18, 2008

I made it!

Monday was my first whole day alone with both boys, as Donovan went back to work. I am proud to say that I made it! Now for those of you who have more than one child, this won't seem very impressive, but I am quite happy with myself! Not only did I make it through the day with no actual catastrophes, but I also finished the invitations for Brighton's birthday and Rigley's dedication, did the dishes, got all of us in clean clothes, caught up on some blogging, and prepped for dinner. My major accomplishment, though, was getting them both down for naps. They were both tired and cranky at the same time and wanting held and rocked. So, I rocked both of them and managed to get up and lay them both down without waking or dropping either one! :) Here are pictures of them sleeping after my "amazing" feat!

When Donovan got home from work, he took Brighton outside with him to fix the gate and then they played while I got dinner ready. While eating, Brighton started giving me a narrative of their time outside. Here it is:

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