Monday, June 30, 2008

The closet is done!

Donovan has been working on a built-in unit for Brighton's closet. Well, it is actually so we can turn Brighton's closet into Brighton and Rigley's closet. It turned out really nice -notice the base board and chair rail he put up, it's painted and trimmed just like the room! We'll be putting bins in the tower of shelves. I'll take another pic of it once we get it loaded.
Yes, the bottom racks are at different heights - they are supposed to be that way b/c one side will be Brighton's and one will be Rigley's, so the length of their clothes is different.

Here is Brighton playing in the new closet.
My Funny Boy!

So Brighton typically does or says things everyday that crack me up, but today he had quite a few! Here is a pic of him in the corner. He turned around just as I snapped it, but he had been standing there facing the corner - not because he was in trouble, but because he was mad at me for telling him no!Brighton was playing and not paying attention to us, or so I thought, when I asked Donovan if he was scared about Rigley coming (I'm a bit nervous about managing two kids!). We hear a very resound "YES!" from Brighton. Then he puts his hands together and says, "Brighton scared of Rigley." Donovan asked him if he was scared because Rigley was going to take attention away from him and he said, "Yes, Daddy." :)

1 comment:

The Raineys said...

So sweet. He's really turning into a little boy. Miss you guys.