Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Brighton loves church!

Sunday morning neither Donovan or I were feeling that great, so we weren't planning on going to church. Brighton had went to bed late on Saturday night and didn't wake up until 9:30 or so. About 10am, he started dancing around saying "Church today! Church today!" He asks to go to church almost every day and had been talking about it on Saturday, so I had told him that we could go to church the next day. Needless to say, we jumped up and hurried around to go to church.
We went to the 11:30 service. I think we'll stick to the 8:30, though. I really like the teachers in his class at the early service.

Here's a pic of him in his new outfit for church. (Don't mind the mess in the background!)
Besides church, one of Brighton's favorite things to do is read his books. He's got an amazing memory and remembers how the book reads. Here is a video of him reading!

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