This was Brighton & Rigley's first time in an airport. We flew out of Springfield, which is a nice, little airport. It is wonderful when traveling with kids b/c it is so small, there aren't big lines or much ground to cover between check-in, security, and the gates.
Here is Brighton exploring the airport.
Rigley had not napped ALL DAY until we got to the airport - did I mention that our flight didn't leave until 8pm? He was quite fussy the whole day until he finally drifted off for a short nap.
Here are the boys on the plane. It was their first flight; we even got them a pair of wings and a commemorative certificate that the pilot signed.
Rigley slept pretty much the entire flight. During his nap, though, I noticed that he was feeling warm. Sure enough, once we landed and I could check, he had a fever. Brighton had been diagnosed with RSV-induced bronchiolitis last week, but was doing better & the pediatrician told us to go ahead and go to AZ because the climate would be good for him.
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