Sunday, March 22, 2009

Picky eater

Rigley is a bit of a finicky eater as of late. We started him on cereal at just a little under 6 months and then started with "real" food at 6 months. His first non-cereal food was avocado, which he still loves. We introduce a new food every 4-5 days. He still likes sweet potatoes. However, he no longer will eat acorn squash - which he ate very well the first couple of times we gave it to him. He did not like peas, so I thought it was the texture. I typically use the blender and make a big batch of food for him and then freeze it in cubes for future use. Well, with peas it is difficult to get them smooth in a blender, the hulls don't puree well. So, I got a food mill to see if that would help - it didn't. He still won't eat peas, even when they've went through food mill.
He got his first real fruit a few days ago, a mashed banana. (I know, I know - avocado is technically a fruit, but I mean sweet fruits)

Anyway, today we tried zucchini. Here is his reaction:


The Raineys said...

Welcome to my world.

Matt&Maisie said...

Grant thought Avacado was ok, but especially loves guacamole now. He'll eat it by the spoonful. I never realized how healthy avacado is for babies.