Thursday, February 5, 2009

Oh the things he says!

Brighton never ceases to amaze me or make me laugh! I can't wait until Rigley is talking to hear them together.

Here are a few things that Brighton has told me over the past few days:

  • Upon entering the kitchen after hearing something, I find him sitting at the island with a piece of bread and the loaf sitting next to him. I ask what he's doing and he tells me, "I got a piece of bread. I'm getting down now 'cause I thought I should put the other bread back."
  • He asked for some cereal the other day and I told him we were all out. Brighton says, "We'll go to Wal-Mart and get more. We'll have to go down the cereal aisle 'cause that's where the cereal is."
  • Rigley had a dr's appointment in St. Louis on Tuesday, as we were driving that morning we passed a Dillon's grocery store on the other side of town. Brighton says, "Look there's a new Dillon's. We don't go to that Dillon's. I think it's new."
  • Brighton likes telling knock-knock jokes. He has 2 of them that he likes to tell, but has recently started making up his own. Here is one he made up a few days ago, "Knock, knock" (Who's there?) "Window" (Window who?) "Window goes down" and then he laughs hysterically
Here is about the only time you can find him not talking!

1 comment:

Joni said...

He is the funniest kid!! I miss ya'll!