Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Playgroup goes to the Pumpkin Patch

October 10, 2008
Okay, so if you were expecting lots of great pictures of Brighton and his little playgroup friends at the pumpkin patch, I'm going to have to disappoint you. I forgot to take my camera! He had a good time, though. There was a bounce house that I think he would have stayed in all day if I would have let him. We went through the corn maze - it was quite a site, a bunch of moms pushing strollers through a corn field! We didn't actually make it to the pumpkin patch, though. To get to the pumpkins, you had to ride a hay wagon pulled by a tractor. Brighton was not interested in that, so we stayed behind and had a picnic while the other moms and kids went to the pumpkins. They very kindly brought a pumpkin back for Brighton, though. Here are Brighton and Rigley at home after the pumpkin patch outing.

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