Tuesday, September 16, 2008

ABC's and more

Brighton was playing with my exercise bands today and started singing the ABC's all on his own. Here he is doing his version of bicep curls while singing the ABC song, just like we do in Stroller Strides class!

Another song he has learned at Stroller Strides is Twinkle, Twinkle.

I gave Brighton his first taste of candy last night, a piece of candy corn. This is what he told me at lunch today when I was seeing if he was done eating.

This morning he got his Elmo "building hat" and asked me to get his blocks so he could build a big block tower.


Justine said...

OMG the twinkle twinkle song is hilarious!! I love it. It is so cute.

Joni said...

That was so fun to watch!! I miss you and need to meet Rigley!