Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve 2009 was Rigley's first and Brighton's third. It was also the first Christmas Eve we stayed at our own house. We decided to make pizza for dinner.

Brighton loves to help in the kitchen. He even decided what cheese he wanted and we made one end just cheese for him. Then, he wouldn't eat any of it once it was done!

The boys got their Christmas jammies on after dinner.
Donovan read about the birth of Jesus and we did the interactive Nativity.
As a compromise of our own families' traditions, we decided that the boys could open one present from mommy & daddy and their presents from each other. Brighton liked helping everyone open their present. Here he is helping Rigley open the present he chose for him.
Here is Brighton opening his gift from Rigley.
Good night kisses

1 comment:

Joni said...

Did ya'll go anywhere Christmas day?? I loved the boys p.j.'s!!