Thursday, December 25, 2008

Rigley's First Christmas

We had a relaxing Christmas morning at home. Brighton started getting more excited the more awake he became! At not quite 5 months, Rigley was really only concerned with when his next bottle would be.
While it was Rigley's first Christmas, I think Brighton got the better end of the deal! I guess that's just what happens when you've already got everything left over from an older brother.

Brighton got his own computer from Santa. You might remember from an earlier post that he likes to try and get on my laptop so he could (in his words) check his email! Hopefully, this will keep him off my computer.

We sold our big swing because Rigley didn't seem to like it. However, he liked swinging at Mimi's house. So, Santa thought it would be good to get him another swing and give it another try.
Brighton with his ladybug and hippo. Up until just a few days before Christmas, whenever someone would ask what he wanted from Santa, the only thing he would say was a ladybug. We have no idea where that came from!

After presents, we had breakfast - french toast, Brighton's favorite. Then, we got everything packed, grabbed the dog, and headed north to celebrate with family.

1 comment:

The Raineys said...

don't worry about rigly's christmas. lucy totally got the shaft this year. we won't be able to that next year.