Sunday, August 10, 2008

First trip to church

Rigley is two weeks old today! It's going by so quickly already.
Today was his first time at church. He did really well - he slept through the whole thing! I wore him in the sling and that seemed to be best. Thank goodness for the 11:30 service, though, or his first trip would have had to wait until next week. Before Rigley joined us, we went to the 8:30 service. I hope to get back to that one, but we'll just take it week by week.

Here are a few pictures from today.

(I couldn't catch Rigley with his eyes open.)


The Raineys said...

I agree, take it week by week. He changes every time I see a new pic...such a cutie. I'm ready to him and Brighton. Miss you guys.

Justine said...

What a great big brother!